13 Ideas to Help Fund Your Life Group for Kids!

Keep this list handy and Download the 13 Fundraiser Ideas to help your group raise money!

13 Ideas to Help Fund your Kids Life Group!

13 Ideas to Help Fund your Kids Life Group!

Discipling kids or tweens in their relationship with Jesus Christ through a Life Group helps them learn and have fun in an affordable way.

Plus, during a time of high inflation, having kids participate in a Life Group can be much more economical than some of the other expensive lessons, sports, and programs.

Costs associated with running a Life Group:

  • Curriculum  (check out our Life Group Kits HERE) 
  • Craft/activity supplies at each meeting
  • Snack at each meeting
  • Occasional Group Outings
  • Optional items for the kids (ie. Group T-shirts, End-of-year-awards, Birthday Gifts, Christmas Gifts, Prizes for Behavior, Bibles, etc.)

How to Budget for a Life Group

Every Life Group will handle the financial aspects differently, but here are some ideas to budget for Life Group costs:

  • Collect an annual amount from each group member. 
  • Collect a monthly amount from each group member.
  • Raise money through fundraisers. 
  • Rotate who provides snack at each meeting.
  • Rotate who provides the group activity materials each meeting.
  • Seek a donation from your church or Christian organization.

13 Fundraiser Ideas to help fund your Life Group

Today we're focusing on fundraiser ideas to support your Life Group, so we’ve compiled a list of 13 ideas that you can try! Yes Bake Sale and Car Wash are mainstay fundraisers, but there are several on the list you may not have thought of! Check it out BELOW!

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  • Bake Sale Bonanza

    Bake Sales are one of the most popular ways of raising funds— and for good reason! For little money and effort, everyone can donate something to sell and people love getting a cheap treat! 

  • Used Book Sale

    Give used books a second life with a Used Book Sale! Everyone has an old book they don’t need, so have people donate old books and sell them to raise funds. You can tie in a Used Book Sale with the Bake Sale idea by selling baked treats at your Book Sale event!

  • Spaghetti or Chili Dinner

    Who doesn’t love spaghetti or chili? Both meals are affordable to make which means more profit for your fundraising efforts. Be sure to let people know about this in advance to give them time to make plans and buy tickets.

  • Date Night Out

    Every parent needs a break now and then, so hosting a “Date Night Out” is a great way to raise funds! Have parents pay to drop their kids off for a few hours, while volunteers entertain the kids.  This is also nice to do in December to let parents Christmas shop in peace!

  • Gift Wrapping

    Gift wrapping is in high demand during the holidays, which makes it a great way to raise funds! People can give a donation per package wrapped, and get the convenience (and secrecy) of someone else wrapping their gifts for them!

  • Holiday Help (or anytime)

    Spread joy and cheer while helping those in need with this fundraiser. Sell your time to decorate for the holidays by helping to set up lights, outdoor decorations, or any other tasks needed around the house. Of course, make sure to do this as a group with a trusted adult to supervise. 

  • Pie or Cake Auction

    …Or really any baked dessert works. Ask bakers to donate sweet items to help raise money for your group. People are often excited to participate in auctions, especially when it involves delicious homemade treats.

  • Yard Sale

    Ask people to donate items for a community yard sale. The good thing about yard sales is that they often attract a local crowd, not just your church or group! The more people to attend, the more funds you can raise!

  • BBQ Dinners

    Providing a pre-boxed BBQ dinner with sides is a low-budget way to raise funds. One tip is to have people pre-order their box so you’ll know how many to make. Tell people when and where they can pick them up and be sure to let everyone know about the good cause they’re donating to! 

  • DIY Craft Sale

    Jewelry, pottery, paintings, hair bows, ornaments, keychains, and other crafts are all great things to make for a DIY Craft Sale. Let kids (and adults) get crafty and creative with this fundraiser!

  • Car Wash

    The infamous Car Wash fundraiser is still a hit! People love a squeaky clean car so get lots of volunteers to help. One tip is to offer upgrades, like vacuuming out the cars, for an extra fee. Another tip is to discount the car wash tickets if they buy them in advance before the date!

  • Talent Show Spectacular

    Let kids showcase their talents, whether it's singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or stand-up comedy. Sell tickets for the event and encourage donations. Don’t forget snacks and lemonade in the lobby for additional fundraising!

  • Sub Sandwich Sale

    Have volunteers form an assembly line to sell sub sandwiches! You can have a few different options like ham & cheese, meatballs or BLT! Upselling chips and a drink can make for even more funds raised. 

I hope you’ve found a few ideas from this list that you will try out to help your group raise funds! Fundraising as a group is a great way for kids to practice skills like teamwork, responsibility, and a sense of charity and hospitality! Don’t forget to prioritize safety and supervision for all activities involving children.

If you want to keep this list handy for when you need it, download BELOW!

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