1st-2nd Grade Developing Character Kits

  • Cover of Kids Bible Lesson about Taking Care of Me for small Life Groups

    Taking Care of Me

    Teach your group the importance of being a good steward over the bodies God has given us.

    Taking Care of Me HERE

  • Cover of Kids Bible Lesson about Learning to be Generous for small Life Groups.

    Learning to Be Generous

    Teach your group that God wants us to be generous to others and show grace the way He shows grace to us!

    Learning to Be Generous HERE

  • Cover of Kids Bible Lesson about Courage for small Life Groups.


    Teach your group that God will fill us with courage as we learn to keep our focus on Him.

    Courage HERE

  • Cover of Kids Bible Lesson about Thankfulness for small Life Groups.


    Teach your group to count their blessings and keep a thankful heart before God. He has done so much for us, and He deserves all of our praise.

    Thankfulness HERE

More Life Group Kits coming soon!